Design by Tommaso Rumici



Can be only sold in: Italy, San Marino.
US$ 301.00

Designer: Tommaso Rumici

Blade steel: D2

Hardness: HRC 59-61

Blade coating: Black PVD

Handle: OD green canvas Micarta

Clip: Acciaio inox AISI 420J2B sabbiato

Spacer: Gray anodized aluminum

Screws: Bead blasted stainless steel

Liner/frame lock material: Gray anodized aluminum

Blade Length: 100 mm. - 3.94"

Overall Length: 225 mm. - 8.86"

Blade Thickness: 4.0 mm. - 0.16"

Made in: Italy

Weight: 177 gr - 6.24 oz


Tommaso Rumici

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Tommaso Rumici
Blade Coating: Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD)
(Physical Vapor Deposition) is a variety of vacuum deposition methods used to deposit thin films by the condensation of a vaporized form of the desired film material onto various workpiece surface. The coating method involves purely physical process such as high temperature vacuum evaporation with subsequent condensation.
Blade Steel: High speed D2 steel
Acciaio Steel Carbonio Carbon Cromo Chromium Cobalto Cobalt Azoto Nitrogen Manganese Manganese Molibdeno Molybdenu Nichel Nickel Fosforo Phosphorous Silicio Silicon Zolfo Sulfur Tungsteno Tungs Vanadio Vanadium
D2 1.550 11.58 - - 0.36 0.73 - 0.023 0.26 0.0011 - 0.73