Otello is the ideal cigar cutter to meet enthusiasts' needs: it ensures a clean cut, is compact, and offers ease in sharpening the cutting parts and disassembly for cleaning and maintenance operations. The precise and clean cut is guaranteed by the smooth sliding movement of the blade, which does not crush the cigar. Otello represents the perfect synthesis that combines the best of Figaro (747) and 749 in terms of size and cutting capacity.
Otello is the ideal cigar cutter to meet enthusiasts' needs: it ensures a clean cut, is compact, and offers ease in sharpening the cutting parts and disassembly for cleaning and maintenance operations. The precise and clean cut is guaranteed by the smooth sliding movement of the blade, which does not crush the cigar. Otello represents the perfect synthesis that combines the best of Figaro (747) and 749 in terms of size and cutting capacity.