Design by Grigorii Matveev


BF-761 B

US$ 57.70

You can engrave a text on the blade for additional US$ 11.00 (total US$ 68.70). Please enter the text to engrave below (max 14 characters).

Designer: Grigorii Matveev

Blade steel: D2

Hardness: HRC 59-61

Blade coating: Satin

Handle: Black G10

Clip: Stainless Steel

Reversible clip: Yes

Spacer: Red anodized aluminium

Screws: Stainless Steel

Liner/frame lock material: Stainless Steel

Blade Length: 49 mm. - 1.93"

Overall Length: 107 mm. - 4.21"

Blade Thickness: 3.0 mm. - 0.12"

Made in: Imported

Weight: 70 gr - 2.47 oz

  • Description
    The Puck demonstrates that size isn't everything when it comes to performance and functionality. With a two-inch blade and a compact handle, it delivers an exceptional user experience without compromises. Thanks to its agile flipper opening and reversible clip for easy carry, the Puck is practical and versatile, embodying a cheerful spirit that adapts to any style and situation.
  • Designer
    Grigorii Matveev
    Matveev Grigorii è un designer professionista di coltelli da oltre 20 anni. È nato e cresciuto in Russia e ha studiato presso l'Accademia Statale d'Arte e Design Stieglitz di San Pietroburgo, una delle più antiche e importanti istituzioni educative della Russia nel campo dell'arte e del design. Nel corso della sua lunga carriera, ha creato molti modelli di coltelli unici, ognuno dei quali ha un design particolare e un'elevata funzionalità. Gli è sempre piaciuto sperimentare e creare coltelli dalle forme insolite utilizzando materiali diversi. Il suo obiettivo è creare non solo cose belle, ma anche strumenti affidabili e funzionali che rendano la vita più facile e più bella ai loro proprietari.
    Nel suo lavoro presta particolare attenzione ai dettagli, cercando di rendere ogni coltello non solo attraente nell'aspetto, ma anche il più comodo possibile da usare. È convinto che un buon coltello non sia solo una decorazione, ma anche un fedele assistente in ogni situazione della vita.
    Collabora con successo con grandi marchi di coltelli, con piccoli produttori privati e con gli amanti dei coltelli personalizzati. È un uomo di mondo e le sue collaborazioni si estendono dall’Italia, Germania, Stati Uniti, Cina alla Svizzera non dimenticandosi della madrepatria Russia.

    View all products designed by Grigorii Matveev


  • Gallery


The Puck demonstrates that size isn't everything when it comes to performance and functionality. With a two-inch blade and a compact handle, it delivers an exceptional user experience without compromises. Thanks to its agile flipper opening and reversible clip for easy carry, the Puck is practical and versatile, embodying a cheerful spirit that adapts to any style and situation.


Grigorii Matveev

Matveev Grigorii have been a professional knife designer for over 20 years. He was born and raised in Russia, educated at The Saint Petersburg Stieglitz State Academy of Art and Design - one of the oldest and leading educational institutions in Russia in the field of art and design. Over his long career, he has created many unique knife models, and each of them has its own unique design and high functionality. He always enjoyed experimenting and creating unusual shaped knives using different materials. His goal is to create not just beautiful things, but also reliable, functional tools that will make life easier and more beautiful for their owners.
He pays special attention to details in his work, trying to make each knife not only attractive in appearance, but also as comfortable as possible to use. He is convinced that a good knife is not only a decoration, but also a faithful assistant in any life situations.
He successfully cooperate with large knife brands, and with small private manufacturers, and with lovers of custom knives. He is a man of the world and his geography of cooperation is quite wide: Italy, Germany, USA, China, Switzerland and motherland Russia.

View all products designed by Grigorii Matveev


Blade Coating: satin
Blade Steel: High speed D2 steel
Acciaio Steel Carbonio Carbon Cromo Chromium Cobalto Cobalt Azoto Nitrogen Manganese Manganese Molibdeno Molybdenu Nichel Nickel Fosforo Phosphorous Silicio Silicon Zolfo Sulfur Tungsteno Tungs Vanadio Vanadium
D2 1.550 11.58 - - 0.36 0.73 - 0.023 0.26 0.0011 - 0.73