Design by Doug Marcaida


FX-803 TiPVD

US$ 273.00

You can engrave a text on the blade for additional US$ 11.00 (total US$ 284.00). Please enter the text to engrave below (max 14 characters).

Designer: Doug Marcaida

Blade steel: M390 stainless steel

Blade coating: Black PVD

Handle: Bronze anodized titanium

Screws: Black idroglider stainless steel

Blade Length: 77 mm. - 3.03"

Overall Length: 148 mm. - 5.83"

Blade Thickness: 3.0 mm. - 0.12"

Sheath: Kydex®

Made in: Italy

Weight: 128 gr - 4.52 oz

  • Description
    The Tribal K design draws inspiration from a Karambit designed by Daniel Mumbakki Foronda, Marcaida's friend and fellow Filipino martial artist. Mumbakki, proud of his Igorot heritage, belongs to an indigenous people of the Cordillera Mountains in the northern Philippines. The term Igorots comes from the Spanish word "Ygollotes," meaning "mountain people." Most Igorot ethnic groups build sloping terraces to maximize agricultural space in the rugged terrain of the Cordilleras. Each member of the different tribes is instructed in the practices of cultivation, hunting, fighting or survival, which explains why each Igorot is skilled in the use of various weapons: spears, arrows, axes, knives, daggers, guns, darts, bows and arrows, slingshots and even natural materials such as sharpened animal bones used as spare weapons. Many Igorot people wear necklaces made from boar teeth, and the shape of those teeth inspired the pattern for the Tribal K design. The serrated edges on the back of the Tribal K can be used to make saw-like cuts, while the handle design pays homage to triangular patterns and lines of motion found in many Filipino martial arts systems.
  • Designer
    Doug Marcaida
    “Il mio design si basa sulle conoscenze e sull’uso di lame e coltelli legati alle mie abilità nel campo delle arti marziali e all’ esperienza in qualità di giudice del reality televisivo ‘Forged In Fire’ su History Channel".
    Doug Marcaida è un artista marziale filippino-americano, esperto di armi da taglio e personaggio televisivo di reality. Nato nelle Filippine ed emigrato negli Stati Uniti all'età di 18 anni, ha ottenuto ampi riconoscimenti per le sue abilità e competenze in varie discipline marziali, in particolare nelle arti marziali filippine. È un veterano della U.S. Air Force ed è stato terapista respiratorio per 21 anni prima di decidere di intraprendere una carriera nel campo delle armi militari da combattimento, prima che la serie televisiva Forged in Fire diventasse la sua attuale professione a tempo pieno.
    La passione di Doug Marcaida per le arti marziali è iniziata in giovane età, quando ha iniziato ad allenarsi nell'Eskrima, un'arte marziale filippina che si concentra sul combattimento con le armi. Nel corso degli anni ha affinato le sue capacità ed è diventato un istruttore rispettato, condividendo le sue conoscenze e la sua esperienza con studenti di tutto il mondo.
    Con una profonda conoscenza delle armi da taglio e delle loro applicazioni, Marcaida ha dato un contributo significativo al campo della difesa personale e delle tattiche di combattimento. Il suo approccio unico fonde le tecniche tradizionali delle arti marziali con i principi moderni, enfatizzando efficienza, adattabilità e praticità.
    È un designer di coltelli e ha progettato coltelli Ka Bar, Max Venom, Russian Blades, 511. Tactical, ma la maggior parte dei suoi progetti di coltelli sono realizzati con Fox Knives Italy, che ora si è associata a lui per diventare designer di coltelli come Fox Marcaida designs.
    Marcaida è salito alla ribalta grazie alle sue apparizioni nel popolare reality show televisivo "Forged in Fire". In qualità di giudice dello show, valuta la maestria e la funzionalità di varie armi create da abili artigiani della lama. Il suo occhio acuto per i dettagli e la sua vasta conoscenza delle armi da taglio lo rendono una risorsa preziosa nella valutazione del lavoro dei concorrenti.
    Al di fuori delle sue apparizioni televisive, Marcaida continua a insegnare e a dimostrare le sue abilità attraverso workshop, seminari e conferenze pubbliche. Viaggia a livello internazionale, condividendo la sua esperienza con il personale militare, le forze dell'ordine e gli appassionati di arti marziali.
    La dedizione di Doug Marcaida al suo mestiere, unita alla sua personalità carismatica, lo ha reso una figura amata nella comunità delle arti marziali. La sua capacità di entrare in contatto con le persone e di ispirarle a perseguire le proprie passioni è evidente nei suoi insegnamenti e nelle interazioni con i fan.
    Nel complesso, la biografia di Doug Marcaida mostra il suo notevole percorso come artista marziale, esperto di armi da taglio e personaggio televisivo. Grazie ai suoi contributi e alla sua esperienza, continua a ispirare ed educare gli altri nel mondo delle arti marziali e dell'autodifesa con i suoi coltelli.

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The Tribal K design draws inspiration from a Karambit designed by Daniel Mumbakki Foronda, Marcaida's friend and fellow Filipino martial artist. Mumbakki, proud of his Igorot heritage, belongs to an indigenous people of the Cordillera Mountains in the northern Philippines. The term Igorots comes from the Spanish word "Ygollotes," meaning "mountain people." Most Igorot ethnic groups build sloping terraces to maximize agricultural space in the rugged terrain of the Cordilleras. Each member of the different tribes is instructed in the practices of cultivation, hunting, fighting or survival, which explains why each Igorot is skilled in the use of various weapons: spears, arrows, axes, knives, daggers, guns, darts, bows and arrows, slingshots and even natural materials such as sharpened animal bones used as spare weapons. Many Igorot people wear necklaces made from boar teeth, and the shape of those teeth inspired the pattern for the Tribal K design. The serrated edges on the back of the Tribal K can be used to make saw-like cuts, while the handle design pays homage to triangular patterns and lines of motion found in many Filipino martial arts systems.


Doug Marcaida

“My designs in general are based on my knowledge and use of blades related to my martial arts skills and experiences as a judge in History Channel’s Forged In Fire”.
Doug Marcaida is a Filipino-American martial artist, edged weapons expert, and reality television personality. Born on in the Philippines and migrated to the US when he was 18, he has gained widespread recognition for his skills and expertise in various martial arts disciplines, particularly in Filipino martial arts. He is a U.S. Air Force veteran and was a Respiratory therapist for 21 years before deciding to pursue a career in Military edge weapons combatives 
as a contractor before the TV series Forged in Fire became his current full time profession.
Doug Marcaida's passion for martial arts began at a young age when he started training in Eskrima, a Filipino martial art that focuses on weapon-based fighting. Over the years, he honed his skills and became a respected instructor, sharing his knowledge and expertise with students all over the world.
With a deep understanding of edged weapons and their application, Marcaida has made significant contributions to the field of self-defense and combat tactics. His unique approach blends traditional martial arts techniques with modern principles, emphasizing efficiency, adaptability, and practicality.
He is a knife designer and has designs with Ka Bar knives, Max Venom, Russian Blades , 511. Tactical but majority of his knife designs are made with Fox Knives Italy that now has partnered up with him to be a knife designer as Fox Marcaida designs. 
Marcaida rose to prominence through his appearances on the popular reality television show "Forged in Fire." As a judge on the show, he evaluates the craftsmanship and functionality of various weapons created by skilled bladesmiths. His sharp eye for detail and extensive knowledge in edged weapons make him a valuable asset in assessing the contestants' work.
Outside of his television appearances, Marcaida continues to teach and demonstrate his skills through workshops, seminars, and public speaking engagements. He travels internationally, sharing his expertise with military personnel, law enforcement agencies, and martial arts enthusiasts alike.
Doug Marcaida's dedication to his craft, combined with his charismatic personality, has made him a beloved figure in the martial arts community. His ability to connect with people and inspire them to pursue their passions is evident in his teachings and interactions with fans.
Overall, Doug Marcaida's bio showcases his remarkable journey as a martial artist, edged weapons expert, and television personality. Through his contributions and expertise, he continues to inspire and educate others in the world of martial arts and self-defense with his knife designs.

View all products designed by Doug Marcaida


Doug Marcaida