Design by Bob Terzuola



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Cannot be sold in: United States.
US$ 407.93

Designer: Bob Terzuola

Blade steel: Magnacut

Hardness: HRC 62-64

Blade coating: Coarse stone washed

Handle: Coarse stone washed titanium

Clip: Coarse stone washed titanium

Spacer: Black G10

Screws: Polished AISI 303

Blade Length: 90 mm - 3.54"

Overall Length: 220 mm - 8.66"

Blade Thickness: 4.0 mm - 0.16"

Frame/liner lock: Sandblasted AISI 420

Sheath: Nylon® + Terzuola patch

Made in: Italy

Weight: 180 gr - 6.35 oz

  • Description
    "In 1986-87, I conceived the ATCF drawing inspiration from my experience with military and security personnel both in Central America and in the United States. My goal was to create a unique knife: lightweight yet robust, easily accessible and comfortably carried on various articles of clothing, completely corrosion resistant, with ambidextrous functionality for opening and closing, and usable with one hand.
    The ATCF marked a turning point in the tactical knife industry, being the first to be entirely assembled with screws instead of pins and rivets. I introduced the thumb disk to facilitate opening with both hands, an innovation widely imitated by knife makers worldwide.
    Among the distinctive features of the ATCF is the serration on the top of the blade that matches the finger guard at the base of the handle when the knife is closed, providing protection and a secure grip during use. Additionally, the ATCF was the first pocket knife to utilize a pocket clip, allowing versatile accessibility in various body positions.
    The ATCF deeply influenced the world of knives, becoming one of the most imitated models. As I like to say, 'The ATCF is the classic form that has shaped an entire industry!'"

    Bob Terzuola
  • Designer
    Bob Terzuola
    “Disegno sempre i miei coltelli perché siano funzionali, ma anche piacevoli. Il fattore principale nel mio design è l’utilità, perché un coltello dev’essere principalmente pratico e confortevole in una varietà di posizioni e modalità di taglio”.
    Robert terzuola è un apprezzato coltellinaio e designer americano, noto per la sua squisita maestria e i suoi design innovativi. Nato nel 1947, è cresciuto con uno spiccato interesse per gli utensili e l'artigianato, che lo ha poi condotto al mondo dei coltelli.
    La carriera di Terzuola è iniziata alla fine degli anni Settanta, quando ha iniziato a realizzare coltelli personalizzati, mettendo in mostra le sue eccezionali abilità nella forgiatura e nella creazione di lame dal design unico. I suoi coltelli si sono imposti all'attenzione per il loro eccezionale equilibrio e integrità strutturale, ponendo le basi per una carriera lunga e di successo nel settore. Nel corso degli anni, i progetti di Terzuola sono diventati un'icona nel mondo dei coltelli. All'inizio degli anni '80 ha introdotto il concetto di Tactical Folding Knife, rivoluzionando il modo in cui i coltelli venivano percepiti e utilizzati. I suoi progetti enfatizzavano la praticità, l'affidabilità e le impugnature ergonomiche, rendendoli molto ricercati dal personale militare, dalle forze dell'ordine e dagli appassionati di outdoor. Oltre che per la sua esperienza nella produzione di coltelli, Terzuola è riconosciuto anche per i suoi contributi al campo del design dei coltelli. Il suo libro "The Tactical Folding Knife", pubblicato nel 1998, approfondisce la storia e lo sviluppo dei coltelli pieghevoli, fornendo preziose indicazioni sulla sua filosofia e sulle sue tecniche di progettazione.
    L'eredità di Terzuola continua a vivere, poiché continua a creare coltelli capolavoro che fondono funzionalità e abilità artistica. La sua dedizione alla precisione e alla qualità gli è valsa numerosi premi e riconoscimenti, consolidando il suo posto come una delle figure più influenti nell'industria dei coltelli. Oggi i coltelli di Terzuola sono molto ricercati dai collezionisti e dagli appassionati di tutto il mondo, che considerano le sue creazioni non solo strumenti funzionali ma anche opere d'arte. La passione per il suo mestiere, unita ai suoi progetti innovativi, ha lasciato un segno indelebile nel mondo della coltelleria, facendo di Robert Terzuola un vero maestro nel suo campo.

    View all products designed by Bob Terzuola


  • Gallery


"In 1986-87, I conceived the ATCF drawing inspiration from my experience with military and security personnel both in Central America and in the United States. My goal was to create a unique knife: lightweight yet robust, easily accessible and comfortably carried on various articles of clothing, completely corrosion resistant, with ambidextrous functionality for opening and closing, and usable with one hand.
The ATCF marked a turning point in the tactical knife industry, being the first to be entirely assembled with screws instead of pins and rivets. I introduced the thumb disk to facilitate opening with both hands, an innovation widely imitated by knife makers worldwide.
Among the distinctive features of the ATCF is the serration on the top of the blade that matches the finger guard at the base of the handle when the knife is closed, providing protection and a secure grip during use. Additionally, the ATCF was the first pocket knife to utilize a pocket clip, allowing versatile accessibility in various body positions.
The ATCF deeply influenced the world of knives, becoming one of the most imitated models. As I like to say, 'The ATCF is the classic form that has shaped an entire industry!'"

Bob Terzuola


Bob Terzuola

"I always design my knives to be functional but graceful. Utility is always the main factor in my designs as a knife should be perfectly useful and comfortable in a variety of positions and cutting situations”.
Terzuola is a highly respected American knife maker and designer, known for his exquisite craftsmanship and innovative designs. Born in 1947, he grew up with a keen interest in tools and craftsmanship, which eventually led him to the world of knives.
Terzuola's career began in the late 1970s when he started making custom knives, showcasing his exceptional skills in forging and creating unique blade designs. His knives gained attention for their exceptional balance and structural integrity, setting the stage for his long and successful career in the industry. Throughout the years, Terzuola's designs have become iconic in the knife world. He introduced the Tactical Folding Knife concept in the early 1980s, revolutionizing the way knives were perceived and used. His designs emphasized practicality, reliability, and ergonomic grips, making them highly sought after by military personnel, law enforcement agencies, and outdoor enthusiasts alike. Apart from his knife-making expertise, Terzuola is also recognized for his contributions to the field of knife design. His book, "The Tactical Folding Knife," published in 1998, delves into the history and development of folding knives, providing valuable insights into his own design philosophy and techniques. Terzuola's legacy continues to live on as he continues to create masterpiece knives that blend functionality with artistry. His dedication to precision and quality has earned him numerous awards and accolades, solidifying his place as one of the most influential figures in the knife-making industry. Today, Terzuola's knives are highly sought after by collectors and enthusiasts worldwide, with his creations considered not only as functional tools but also as pieces of art. His passion for his craft, combined with his innovative designs, has left an indelible mark on the knife-making world, making Robert Terzuola a true master in his field.

View all products designed by Bob Terzuola


Bob Terzuola
Blade Coating: stone washed
Blade Steel: Magnacut